Friday, September 9, 2011

Emerging Ministries Fund

For a church to be healthy and vital, it is imperative that it continues to explore new avenues for ministry both within and beyond the walls of the church.  While new ministries can at times be planned for in the standard budget cycle, the Spirit may move us to react to situations or members of the congregation may be inspired at any point of the year.  Furthermore, when we launch new ministries, it is difficult to know in advance whether they will succeed or fail.  Thus, if we try to budget for them, we are prone to either severely over or under-budgeting a specific item.  
As such, the finance committee has created an Emerging Ministries Fund that will serve as a seed fund for launching new or revitalizing current ministries.  The application process must be simple and flexible enough to encourage experimentation while also encouraging you to engage in prayer, planning and partnering (finding others who will commit to launching the new ministry with you).  Because starting new ministries is difficult and prone to failure, we expect that many of these ministries may be short-lived, but that a few will catch fire and launch our church in new directions.
If you have a ministry idea, just contact Pastor Jared to set up an initial appointment.  He’ll work with you to flesh out your idea and guide you through the (brief) application process.  May the Holy Spirit embolden us to launch our church in new directions to bring new people into the body of Christ.

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