Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Where are we as a church? - Lay Leader's Edition

Below is the report that our Lay Leader, Ted Lux, gave at our annual charge conference.  I'm so grateful for his leadership and his enthusiasm!

We pray that the Holy Spirit descends upon us and that through our spiritual energy we are able to praise and please the Lord in our faith journey as a congregation of the United Methodist Church.
I would imagine that the phrase “small but mighty” aptly describes any number of Methodist congregations including that in Independence.
Each Sunday morning and through various activities throughout the week we attempt to communicate with and hear God’s direction.
To that end in the past year a variety of programs were offered. On Monday night the members themselves with no clergy leadership meet for prayer, study and meditation. It may be just a handful of people and I’m certain it resembles what happens in most churches but upon departing the participants know that they have been in the presence of the Lord and that he has heard our prayers and smiled upon our goal of drawing closer to Him. Many times the evening includes taking the prayer request list from the previous day’s bulletin and carefully considering each individual and their need for healing and grace.
Our youth and their adult leadership continue to embrace God’s call not only in weekly meetings but in their annual mission trip beyond our church and state borders. Our young people learn first half what it means to sacrifice and to experience what it is like to be God’s emissaries.
We are very proud that during the summer our minister immersed himself in leading two weekly discussion groups on social issues that need our attention. They tackled issues that many times confound our souls and make us wonder if we are doing enough to be true to our Christian principles.
The weekly worship services more frequently take new paths to discovering God’s word through “audience participation,” drama and song. Each member of the congregation may engage himself at an individual level of comfort but most come away with new perspectives of worshipping the Lord.
We attempt to be more visible in the community. Our minister offers the prayer at the beginning of City Council meetings and our choir added to the arrival of Santa Claus last December with carols reminding everyone that Santa is only a trimming on the celebration that is Christmas.
There is much to do on this congregational faith journey as we attempt to share our faith with ourselves and with others. We pray that the Holy Spirit will energize us to a greater commitment to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

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