Thursday, April 19, 2012

Church News: Trustee Corner

The Trustees would like to announce the results of our Pork and Kraut dinner on March 24th. We raised $690 from the dinner. We would like to thank Mike Naso, Pam Blair and Sue Kotabish
or helping with the cooking. 
The Boy Scouts from Troop #297 and their adult leader Pam Young were extremely helpful at our event. Jeanne Veverka, Tess Foltz, and Sue Kertianis were among the volunteer dessert bakers who helped us. Bret Nemeth and his friend Paris were a wonderful help in the clean up process. Thank you for the help from congregation members who supported this event!

Your trustees have selected a local contractor to waterproof and install new drain tile on the south and west sides of the church house on Hemoga. A new drain will be installed to keep the water from flowing up against the back wall, too. 

We have been working in the sanctuary's south wall fixing water damage by scraping, priming and repainting the wall. We hope to get a few volunteers to assist with painting the north wall, too. 

You will soon see the light at night as we have purchased materials to relight the bell tower. Church yard clean-up was begun before Palm Sunday. 

Beverly Veverka responded to our call for help in weeding. She has been busy weeding the numerous beds around the church. 

We would like to remind members that our building has numerous exits which are fire exits. Please keep that in mind as we have recently been inspected by the fire department and we need to keep the doors clear of tables and other items. Also as you enter the sanctuary in the area where the choir gathers on Sunday morning look up at the hidden fire gate. It is designed to drop down in case of a fire to keep a fire isolated. Please keep the area under the fire curtain clear of tables and chairs. 

Before the end of the Sunday school year, we will be having a fire drill. 

We appreciate all the help members have provided to help keep our facility in the best condition.
In an attempt to straighten up and clear up clutter, after the next coffee hour we will be making available the mismatched cups and saucers to the congregation for a donation. After that we will sell the mismatched cups and saucers on E-bay. 

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