John 14:2 “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”
In the Gospel of John, Jesus recognizes that his predicted death is a disconcerting message to his disciples. He assures them that no matter where they go, he will already have been there preparing the way. This should prove to be a great source of comfort for us. We can be assured that when we or our loved ones pass from this life to the next that Jesus will be there making all things ready. We can go with the confidence that we will be greeted warmly and there will be a place for us. But this should not be seen as merely a future promise- after all, this world belongs to God just as much as the next.
The immediate implication for us is that we need not fear whatever calling God puts upon our hearts. Whether we are called individually to ministry with the poor, the sick, our community or the world, we can rest confidently that Jesus is already preparing the way for us. I learned the truth of this last year when I participated with a community meal ministry. My role was to serve as host, to greet each person warmly and to be available for prayer and conversation whenever it was desired. Though this made me nervous as I can actually be shy at times when dealing with strangers, the warmth and joy I found in those I was helping to serve gave me confidence and strength. I could see Christ’s Spirit all ready at work within our guests and I realized I just needed to find a way to participate with the work that was already being done.
Somewhere, Jesus is preparing a place for you to engage in ministry. It may be among the poor, the sick, our community, or the world, but I can assure you that our Savior is already there at work. But we too must be prepared to make a place for the ministry that is to come. We need to make a place where we can through prayer and discussion to determine the specifics of where God is calling you. This will require us to make space in our own lives both to listen and to serve. But I can assure you that when we find the dwelling place in ministry that Jesus has prepared for us, we will find ourselves at home in God’s house.
Somewhere, Jesus is preparing a place for you to engage in ministry. It may be among the poor, the sick, our community, or the world, but I can assure you that our Savior is already there at work. But we too must be prepared to make a place for the ministry that is to come. We need to make a place where we can through prayer and discussion to determine the specifics of where God is calling you. This will require us to make space in our own lives both to listen and to serve. But I can assure you that when we find the dwelling place in ministry that Jesus has prepared for us, we will find ourselves at home in God’s house.