Friday, November 12, 2010

Mission Service Testimonial

When we asked the mission committee for a volunteer to write a testimony about how they incorporate mission with their faith life, they decided they would rather share several testimonies rather than just one.  Thus, we’re pleased to share with you three testimonies about how mission enriches their walks with God.

Christine Z-

“Our role in mission work is to fill a need when we see it.  The food banks do a wonderful job and I am happy I can help there.”

 Tess F-

“Mission work became real to me when I learned about CROP. Five cents would buy a packet to purify a container of water. It often saved the life of a refugee who barely made it to a camp. Blankets could be provided for many families for twenty dollars. Even the cost of building a well was within my budget. I knew that the money I donated became a part of a larger sum and used where it was needed most. However, I couldn’t help feeling at night that someone was a little warmer and in the morning some young girl was in school because there was a well and she didn’t have to walk miles to get water for her family.”

 Susan K-

“Mission work adds to the experience of attending church. It gives a great way of fellowship with fellow church members. Meeting other members from other churches and with people in need. I have learned that people in need are very much like anyone I already know. I was made aware that I could very well be in their position. I have only encountered people in need as humble and very much appreciative. I’ve been impressed with friendliness and graciousness of people receiving meals. Working at the food bank, I have met people who regularly (weekly) volunteer, I have met people old and young. I don’t see the recipients of the food that I work on at the food bank, but I find myself thinking about them as I work and prayerfully consider what life is like for them. The two hours that I work there, the time goes quickly. It just feels really good to be a small part of such a worthy organization. I know the need is great for the services the food bank provides. It is just a good, satisfying feeling and working with other volunteers is simply rewarding. It is the joy God wants for us in this life. It is a joy to help others in need and to realize the blessings we have to share with one whom could very well be us.”

Commitment Sunday will be on November 21st.  Please pray about the ways God is calling you into mission in this coming year.

Pastor Jared and the Outreach Committee

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