Monday, November 15, 2010

Small Group Testimonial

For my Family of Faith at Independence UMC,

My faith life has grown through intentional faith development using small group studies such as Disciple Programs, an Emmaus Walk, corporate worship and reading and studying the Bible in the Sunday morning class with other adults.  I hunger for a relationship with God.  These activities at IUMC have led me to Him.

No other small group has been more vital than the Sunday morning study.  It has been in existence for 11 years.  My brothers and sisters in class listen, hear, apply, love and act on the Word.  Our current study is the book of James.  What is important about his teaching on wealth is that all of us are accountable for how we use what we have.  We should not hoard wealth but be generous toward others.  A couple of years ago all of us from our class were very excited during a worship service when the pastor opened the sermon stating, “I don’t know why I’m preaching about life after death . . .” and our class had just discussed the topic that morning.  That was twenty minutes we were close to God.  We asked with sincere hearts and received answers from Him.

Our church has deepened my faith.  Because of that I want our church to succeed, to grow and lead others to God.  Another intentional faith development using small group is our book club.  The first book, FIVE PRACTICES OF FRUITFUL CONGREGATIONS, reads, “Pledge campaigns are about mission, spiritual growth and relationship to God.  Stewardship efforts deepen prayer life, building community, unite people with purpose, and clarify mission.  People feel strengthened and grateful to serve God through giving.”  I’m feeling this and pray you do too as we consider how IUMC has an effect on the depth of our faith.

With a sincere heart,

Judy P

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